Adam Vincent


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Adam Vincent Consulting

Websites and managed services for local small businesses

TriNUG User Group

One of the best way’s to connect with me is visiting Triangle .NET User Group in Raleigh, NC. I attend more often than not and occasionally host and speak at the weekly meetings. For more info, check out the group on meetup.


GitHub: entityadam

Twitter: @entity_adam

Latest Posts

Visual Studio Tips: Smart Line Break
Quick-Start: Connect ASP.NET to Azure SQL with an Azure managed identity
Quick-Start: Connect ASP.NET to Azure SQL with an Azure managed identity

Connect an ASP.NET Application running on Azure Web Apps to Azure SQL and leave no messy secrets laying about in the web.config file, depending on Azure Key Vault, or have to orchestrate building a connection string with via Azure Resource Manager.

Visual Studio Tricks: Increase signal to noise in your debugger
Visual Studio Tricks: Increase signal to noise in your debugger

Inspecting your objects in Visual Studio’s debugger can sometimes be tedious having to expand objects, arrays and lists trying to find that ‘problem child’ of yours. Fortunately for us, there are some handy tricks to reducing the noise, and focusing in on the members of your object that are important.